Sep 14, 2012

Love is a Tsunami


Given all the evidence around us that everything is connected and to somehow think we are individually not, is pure foolishness. Its just an ego thing and ego is seperate from reality. Reality has no ego. It just is and tapping into it heals all kinds of problems in our lives. In fact probably all of them.

Love is a tsunami that is in plain view. Unlike perceptive animals who flee to the hills, we stand on the shore awaiting its arrival and speak to the people who may not be aware. For this tsunami is not death dealing, but life giving and it will transform the entire perception of what’s “normal” now. If one chooses to cling to the present scenario, they will still be ok, only miss out on all the fun!


♥ Choose love ♥

~Tomorrow when you are not feeling it, choose love. When you are tired, choose love. If you are stressed, choose love. By choosing love and being loving, you raise your vibration and thus have the capacity to raise the …vibration of all you encounter. For yourself, choose love. You are worth it~ ♥ Robin ♥

When you awaken in your deepest core of being, in the very center of your existence, then there is only silence, immense joy and celebration… no darkness around,no dreams,no thoughts, …+just a pure fire,a pure love- that knows no limits, that knows no boundaries. It is more like a fragrance that you cannot catch hold of. It is there, you filled it,but it is so invisible. The finding of oneself is the most mysterious experience. Osho ♥

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