Sep 27, 2012

From Love to Those Dwelling in LOVE and KINDNESS

The day approaches swiftly now. It's loving embrace can be felt. It knows those who belong to it. I have noticed that I am eating much less now. My intuition tells me at every turn to amend my behavior. I have a Knowing coming upon me that soon the switch will be thrown. It is very close now. I am hearing ....being told....that we are very very close, by my guardians... Whatever that means. My intuition tells me we have little time left and to spend a lot of my free time in prayer. It tells me to use what LITTLE time remains wisely. My faith and intuition tells me that this will happen almost in an instant. And certainly if you read my blog post about how I switched timelines once, (see two posts ago) you'll know that it can certainly happen in the most profound way all in one day. Trust me when I say how surprising it is to see physical reality change around you in only 24 hours. This time however it will be the entire planet, and those who chose to live in peace. I know only this..., this feeling is more than a feeling, it seems quite certain! I am simply expressing in words what I can not yet see, but seem to be aware of all the same. There is very little time left! Choose! Blesses are those who choose wisely. All my love in Christs blessed Unity.

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